The Screening Tool for Exploration and Analysis of Projects (STEAP) is an interactive mapping tool that allows rapid screening of potential project locations anywhere in the United States. The tool provides estimates of various characteristics of the resident population surrounding a project location. The core data used to calculate these characteristics is the 2017-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates.
STEAP has a simple user interface that allows users to specify project locations by selecting existing highway segments or drawing lines of proposed roadways on the map. Buffer analysis is performed around selected locations and resident characteristic estimates are then calculated for the surrounding areas within the specified distance from the selected locations. The map displays the buffer analysis boundaries and a summary of the resident characteristic estimates data is presented in PDF and Excel reports that are available for viewing and download.
STEAP allows FHWA, State DOTs, MPOs or other local agencies to generate project profile reports without the need for GIS specialists to perform the work.
This is a beta version of the STEAP application. We welcome your feedback. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact us via email at hepgis@dot.gov.